- positive definite Form
- положительно определенная форма
Немецко-русский математический словарь. 2013.
Немецко-русский математический словарь. 2013.
positive definite — positive definiteness. Math. 1. (of a quadratic form) positive for all real values of the variables, where the values are not all zero. 2. (of a matrix) displaying the coefficients of a positive definite quadratic form. [1905 10] * * * … Universalium
Positive-definite matrix — In linear algebra, a positive definite matrix is a matrix that in many ways is analogous to a positive real number. The notion is closely related to a positive definite symmetric bilinear form (or a sesquilinear form in the complex case). The… … Wikipedia
Positive definite function on a group — In operator theory, a positive definite function on a group relates the notions of positivity, in the context of Hilbert spaces, and algebraic groups. It can be viewed as a particular type of positive definite kernel where the underlying set has… … Wikipedia
Positive definite — In mathematics, positive definite may refer to: * positive definite matrix * positive definite function ** positive definite function on a group * positive definite bilinear form … Wikipedia
positive definite — adjective 1. : having a positive value of all values of the constituent variables positive definite quadratic forms 2. of a matrix : having the characteristic roots real and positive * * * positive definiteness. Math. 1. (of a quadratic form)… … Useful english dictionary
Positive definiteness — is a property of the following mathematical objects:* Positive definite bilinear form * Positive definite matrix * Positive definite function … Wikipedia
Definite bilinear form — In mathematics, a definite bilinear form is a bilinear form B over some vector space V (with real or complex scalar field) such that the associated quadratic form is definite, that is, has a real value with the same sign (positive or negative)… … Wikipedia
Positive form — In complex geometry, the term positive form refers to several classes of real differential formsof Hodge type (p, p) . (1,1) forms Real ( p , p ) forms on a complex manifold M are forms which are of type ( p , p ) and real,that is, lie in the… … Wikipedia
Positive linear functional — In mathematics, especially in functional analysis, a positive linear functional on an ordered vector space ( V , ≤) is a linear functional f on V so that for all positive elements v of V , that is v ge;0, it holds that:f(v)geq 0.In other words, a … Wikipedia
positive — [päz′ə tiv] adj. [ME positif < OFr < L positivus < positus: see POSITION] 1. formally or arbitrarily set; conventional; artificial [a positive law] 2. definitely set; explicitly laid down; admitting of no question or modification;… … English World dictionary
Definite quadratic form — In mathematics, a definite quadratic form is a real valued quadratic form over some vector space V that has the same sign (always positive or always negative) for every nonzero vector of V. The definite quadratic forms correspond in one to one… … Wikipedia